Why I sing: Don Wilcoxon

Chorus Kansas City Member Don Wilcoxon knows there’s magic in making music together. Read his story below, and then discover the joy of connection, creativity and harmony for yourself by joining Chorus KC for its inaugural season!

“I have always loved vocal music since High School when I participated in Chorus and Madrigal. I got to be a part of the UMKC Medical and Dental School Chorus during my freshman year of dental school. After that I enjoyed participating in my church choir and leading a contemporary singing group. I was also in an a cappella community chorus, however, when that group disbanded due to our director moving out of town, I found myself really missing the opportunity to regularly participate in choral vocal music. One day about eighteen years ago, one of my adult patients mentioned that she was part of a community chorus that she really enjoyed. I looked into it and signed up. I hadn’t realized how much I had missed being part of a choral group until I found myself looking forward to Tuesday nights and singing with my new friends. Along the way I have acquired many life-long friends who have become so much more than just ‘a group of people I sing with.’ It has been a joy to make wonderful music together, grow as musicians, and share life along the way.

“I am very excited about Chorus Kansas City! Our enthusiastic director, Dr. Kevin Coker, enjoys challenging us and helping us grow musically. He has a real talent for choosing wonderful selections for our concerts. I would encourage anyone with an interest in vocal music to come and join us. I guarantee that it will be a pleasurable and rewarding experience! Come prepared to have fun but also to work a bit, as every minute of our rehearsal time is put to use! I look forward to singing with this group for many years to come!”

-Don Wilcoxon, Chorus Kansas City Member


Why we sing: The Brost Family